Friesen Family of FIVE

Monday, November 3, 2008

We arrived... with not the best Internet service

Sorry - we're here but we don't have a lot of time to blog and when we do the internet seems to be lacking in service. 
We arrived on the site on Saturday and we love it.  There is so much room for the kids to run and play - very dreamy!
Willie started work today and hoping that he's going to be effective in the work and in sharing Christ.
We had an AMAZING church experience yesterday.  We've never felt so loved and invited!  We were hugged about a million times and they feed us and just took us in.  It was so encouraging and we thank God for His gift to us!  Praise Him for all that He does to encourage and to inspire.  These people were truly inspiring!  They had so little and yet talked about doing a food drive for the elderly and needy in their community and giving was a very important part of their service.  Just amazing.  More details when I have time.
Take care and hold fast to the One who loves you the most!!


The Raifords said...

YEAH!!! you are so close to us now - I can't wait to see all of you!

Ms. Rempel said...

Just read your blog and getting caught up with it all. I love it! I love what you're learning and seeing and experiencing. Awesome!

Mel said...

hey are you missing us yet?lol Well, we have snow now, yay. Another cold long winter, oh I bet you want to come back! Thats what you get for moving south! Take care guys! Good to hear that everythings going well, I guess Jake talked to Willie on Sunday, but you know guys, I didn't really get any details about where your staying and such. So anytime you want to update, we always love to hear!