Friesen Family of FIVE

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Our Faithful God

Wow. We had the toughest week physically and mentally but we're so encouraged and excited - Kinda like the phrase...
"It's Friday but Sunday's comin' " Well Sunday came and the kids feel great, we've had a relaxed weekend that included a Christmas Tree and fireworks and family. Thank you Jesus... thank you for all the people that have been praying for us so faithfully.

Just wanted to quickly update you and now I need to run... it's our last week here and so that means a lot of prep to leave. Take care and thanks again. (and thank you Pete & Martha - you know what for!!)

1 comment:

Mel said...

Hi guys! Kobe is really starting to wonder "mommy when is Samio coming home?" its really cute but he just doesn;t understand. Im already feeling sorry for you that your not coming back for Christmas just because by then im sure you would be ready to see everyone again, but we'll pray that you have an awesome and blessed holiday down south! Ya, Sams birthday gift never made the mail box so now we're keeping it for a Christmas suprise and hopefully he'll forgive us! Well, miss you and hope your all on the mend and kobe say "i love you"( he didn't say who so you can all take it in lol)