Friesen Family of FIVE

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dependance on God for Everything and in all Situations

We were shown once again how important it is to realize that it’s all in God’s control. Samuel woke up Monday morning saying his tummy hurt and he had a weird welt right beside his eye. He doesn’t usually say anything hurts so I was a little concerned. I gave him a children’s Pepto Bismol tablet and went off to clean the dorms. When I got back he had bumps on his stomach and he was itching them. I put some anti itch cream on them and off we went for lunch. I was busy doing stuff and all of a sudden he walks up to me itching his stomach and I saw the bumps had multiplied. I got him to take off his shirt and we put more cream on.

It only got worse and then it spread up to his neck, down his arms, his back and his face. I put him in the bath thinking maybe it was something on his clothes. Well when he took off his clothes I saw it was on his privates too and then this mom freaked out. Thankfully it was close to supper and Willie was on the site here and I called him to come see. We prayed like crazy and Willie went to go buy some more drugs and we gave him some allergy medication.

By bedtime the welts had all kind of run together and he had it all over his body. We prayed lots and then before he feel asleep I noticed that it had gotten better on his tummy; there was a little less red and a little more brown skin. So I made the comment that Jesus was already starting to make him better. His response made me smile and yet a little sad.

“But mom I’m not all better yet, just some. Maybe Jesus is too busy right now.”

I assured him that Jesus was never too busy and that He was always right by him. “Well mom, maybe He’s doing computer work in my heart.” This made me sad because this is a direct reflection of his mom. When mommy is too busy it’s usually because I’m behind a computer. Made me see how kids really need to see Jesus through their parents because that is what we are to them. We need to reflect the relationship of God to man in our parental roll.

So anyway, it’s Tuesday now and he’s doing a little better. His eyes are swollen, lips are twice the normal size, he's got hives (or what I think are hives) on his neck, shoulders and scalp and the privates look pretty scary. But his body is looking a lot better. So thank you for those prayers mom and dad, Tisha and Jules! Love you.

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