Friesen Family of FIVE

Monday, November 23, 2009


Well we finally got confirmation that we would not be leaving this winter which we have really been struggling with. At first MDS invited us to come for November and December but they were asking me (Jacquie) to work in the office - I didn't think I could do the work considering my rather active children so we declined thinking that we would just go after Christmas... well we were told about 2 weeks ago that was not going to happen because they didn't really have room for us. We were disappointed for many reasons and one being the fact that next winter Samuel will be in school and heading off to missions wouldn't really be 'responsible' (unless of course I lost my mind and home schooled him! Let's just say I know our personalities wouldn't mesh that well!)
So here we are wondering what it is that God wants for us. It seemed as though He put missions in our hearts for a reason but now we don't know why it's not working out for us to go. We also don't 'preach or teach' and those are the easiest missions to get into.. (or so it seems)
But lately my heart has been so broken for the orphan. I don't know why this is coming into my head now but I can't understand why we're always so distracted and think life is about us and our little family... there is so much more we should be doing for the Kingdom... time to get down on my knees and really spend time with the Maker of this crazy life I live...
I will start putting pictures up for my lovely southern friends... soon!
Love you all and covet your prayers once again.

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