Friesen Family of FIVE

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I always knew that encouragement was a good thing... but I think I just said that because I knew it was true but hadn't really felt the strength of it. It started when I ran to drop off my son at gymnastics... some crazy gal accused me of being 'Positive' - in my negative head I was saying "Oh she obviously doesn't know me!" Then I had a wonderful message sent to me in regards to something I've struggled with the last few weeks telling me that she was growing in her faith thanks to my commitment, and so it went... wow. I didn't really know what to do with it. So I dropped it in God's lap and said "Thank You". And riding on that I changed my outlook on my week! It also made me very aware of how I need to constantly be encouraging those around me - and I needed to start at HOME! My kids are getting sarcasm at every turn and "Don't" "No" "Not Again" "Stop"...etc... I need to change that and encourage them in what they are doing well and encourage them to do better in an encouraging way not a nagging way! What a novel idea Jacquie!!! I know I'm so the mother of the year! (oops - sarcasm again) I love my kids so much and love their little personalities and love being with them... I want them to actually know that and feel it! Here's to starting Monday morning with a smile instead of "Okay let's go guys get your stuff... come on let's go.... move a little faster!!!" I'll check in again tomorrow :) Here's my encouragement for you this week... those tender moments that God gives you ... for however brief they may be - CHERISH them! They may only come once. And then run to a journal and write it down so that you won't ever forget!!! My dear sweet Samuel boy has been giving me a few of those lately and I love them and am trying to lock it into my brain!
And I get to spend time with my Gramma and she always delivers on the special memories... here's one of her with my sweet baby!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Motherhood is not for the faint of heart, and so to remain positive in the midst of everything is only by the grace of God. He is amazing how He sends gentle reminders that Yes! we are positive (glory to God) and Yes! we make a difference in other peoples' lives (glory to God).

I for one think you are pretty amazing you know!