Friesen Family of FIVE

Monday, April 25, 2011

It's Been a While

Well a friend of mine inspired me to continue writing on this blog that I started over 2 years ago, before we headed to Texas/Mississippi to work with MDS... I didn't think much happens in our day to day life that would be worthy of updating but I guess for all of you who don't live here this would still be remotely helpful.
Life is full of uncertainties and I've been struggling with that and the fact that I'm not in control. This Easter I've just come to a very real realization that God is a God of LOVE and He is always with us regardless if it's through good things or bad. Why do I want to be in control??? He's got it figured out...why stress about not knowing. I should spend more time getting to know the One that knows - and rest in that.
I'm so thankful for the beautiful children I have the pleasure of raising for God and for the man that was placed in my life for a reason... he is my rock and the one that has made me the woman I am today.
Thanks Mel for getting me to write again... It forces me to see the beauty in every day knowing that others are 'reading' my thoughts (well some of the thoughts that run through this crazy head in a day).

Praying for a year that is filled with His glory in a million different ways!